36th NAWBO Annual Achievement Luncheon, Woman Business Owner of the Year (2019)
#MoveTheDial, Advancing Women In Tech
Virtual panel of Aneesa and other leaders discussing the effects of COVID-19 on manufacturing
Aneesa highlighting Pioneer Service's past successes and upcoming challenges at the team's quarterly touchpoint.
PMPA's 2021-22 Elected President
Aneesa hugs an attendee after speaking at the Professional Women's Club of Chicago (PWCC)
STEPx Talk at the Manufacturing Institute Award Conference
Women in Manufacturing and Engineering — “Victimhood is not a success plan - it’s on you to find your plan B”
Speaking at JumpStart Chicago, “Breaking Boundaries with Your Identity Intact”
Yemeni-American Merchants Association Outstanding Business Leader of the Year Award (2020): “Treat your daughters like you treat your sons”
Final Keynote speaker at MUPPIES Annual Conference — “Breaking Boundaries with Your Identity Intact”
Internet of Manufacturing Conference — “Small Manufacturers on Digital Transformation” (Robert Joseph, Jason Kratz, Aneesa Muthana, Mazi Hosseini)
Women in STEM & 14th District STEM Scholars Graduation with Congressman Randy Hultgren and others
Interest in Excellence Award at the 2019 IMEC Illinois Awards, with David Fox (left) and Ben Krupwicz (right)
STEP Ahead Women In Manufacturing Gala — Manufacturing Excellence Award, 2017
STEP Ahead Women In Manufacturing Gala — Manufacturing Excellence Award
Panel discussion — Technology Center of DuPage (TCD) (left to right: Aneesa Muthana, Aaron Wiegel, Jim Jett, and John Bradarich)
Professional Women's Club of Chicago (PWCC) — “Recruiting Your Personal Board of Directors”
2017 Precision Machined Products Association (PMPA) Update Conference
Aneesa moderates a virtual fireside chat with the former Chairperson and CEO of PepsiCo., Indra Nooyi.
Muslim Women in Tech Webinar — “Ways Female Leaders Can Thrive in Male Dominated Industries, (Yasmeen Munasser, Kalid Loul, Khizra Athar, Ashia Nagi, Aneesa Muthana)
Innovation of Dupage Workshop —“People Over Profit (“F”word = Forgiveness!)
Poised For Success Annual Dinner — “Breaking Barriers”
Addison Proclamation for 2017 STEP Award with Village Clerk Lucille Zucchero, Deputy Mayor Tom Hundley, Trustee Harry Theodore
Addison Proclamation — 2017 STEP Award
Mayor Dr. Sandra Bury of Oak Lawn expresses pride at Aneesa making the cover of Crain’s in 2018
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi visits Pioneer Service (2017)
Illinois Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti visits Pioneer Service for #MFGDay17
Congressman Randy Hultgren supporting manufacturing and Women in STEM & 14th District STEM Scholars Graduation
Aneesa shows off a ventilator part for the battle against COVID-19
Senior Editor Emily Probst and Editor-in-Chief Peter Zelinksi of Modern Machine Shop stop by Pioneer Service
Aneesa and the Pioneer Service team
Publicity photo for the Wall Street Journal
Aneesa in deep conversation with her employees (Mike, Juan, Karina) about ramping up for ventilator parts
The face of someone who loves what she does!
Aneesa and the Pioneer Service team volunteer at Feed My Starving Children in 2019
Tom Halladay transfers the PMPA gavel to new President Aneesa Muthana
GADgET Girls (Summer Camp) visit Pioneer Service to learn about their prominent place in the future of manufacturing
Pioneer Service introduces high school students to hands-on fundamentals of marketing and production
Sparkshop founders Tiernan Murrell, Shonali Ditz, and Joe Gambino
Aneesa teaches pat-a-cake to a young girl in Niger
Pioneer Service hosts politicians, leaders, and educators as part of Sparkshop so they can meet the program’s gifted students
Red Nose Day at Pioneer Service because 100-percent-serious isn’t healthy!
Aneesa meets refugees in Banda during tsunami recovery
AAYSP 9th Annual Scholarship Gala (2018): “Parents, treat your girls like you treat your boys”
Aneesa hangs out with her Niger brothers and sister during humanitarian efforts
Mentor and speaker on a Saturday afternoon at Microsoft Store for girls in STEM
Students from Indian Trail Junior HS in Addison prepare to pitch their idea before IDEA Summer Challenge judges
100 honorees and Aneesa on their way to the STEP Ahead Women In Manufacturing Gala
Another day of Pioneer Service hosting young students with hands-on learning in production and marketing
2019 PMPA Annual Dinner for Board Members (top: Nick Wrenn, Jim Preston, Tracy Skupien, Liberato Pietrantoni, Tom Phillips)(bottom: Steve Sorenson, Aneesa Muthana,Tom Halladay, Michael Reader, Victor DaCruz, Rich Holster)
Strategic session at an IMEC Board Meeting
Kathy Gilmore, President of VIA and dear friend, presents Aneesa with the Spark Community Outreach Award (2018)
2021 Precision Machines Products Association (PMPA) Annual Dinner for Board Members
2018 PMPA Annual Dinner for Board Members
Pioneer Service hosts politicians, leaders, and educators as part of Sparkshop so they can meet the program’s gifted students
Aneesa and other Chicago Regional Growth Corp (CRGC) board members
Aneesa’s grandfather, Yousef Saleh Abdulla, whose selfless generosity and wisdom will forever be remembered… the one person who had the greatest impact on my life
Aneesa wouldn’t be in manufacturing without these two men: her father, Mohamed (right) and Uncle Omar, who taught her tenacity, responsibility, and how to beat the odds
Senior Leadership at Pioneer Service (Alma Muka, Beth Swanson, Aneesa Muthana) are on the same page about seeking exceptional results every day
A brother to Aneesa, Jose Luis Hernandez celebrates 25 years of service at Pioneer and his journey from old manufacturing to high technology
Ellen Loome keeps all of Pioneer Service calm, organized, and well-fed. She's the only person Aneesa trusted to watch her sons—a legacy Ellen now upholds with Aneesa's grandchildren.
Anna Hess, one of the original “Rosie the Riveters,” at the STEP Ahead Women In Manufacturing Gala
Author, educator, and activist Dr. Debbie Almontaser visits Aneesa at her shop
Patrick Devine, CPA, entered Aneesa’s life at age 16 as a Pioneer Service intern. He is now her CPA, a great friend, and a fine example of Aneesa’s belief that “your mentees may become your mentors.”
Chandra Brown, CEO of MxD, powerhouse and fellow advocate for women in manufacturing MxD hosted 2019 Crain’s Notable Women
Women of PMPA: Carli, Renee, Courtney, Melissa, and Cate.
Like countless others, Aneesa draws strength and inspiration from the words of Maya Angelou: "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."
Mayor Richard Veenstra, ally of local businesses and communities, honors Aneesa with the Addison Proclamation for her 2017 STEP Award
Miles Free, PMPA Director of Industry Affairs and unequalled resource for the industry, alongside Aneesa’s grandson, Ibrahim
Amazing women from Aneesa’s life (left to right): President Dr. Anne Rondeau; Aneesa’s mother, Suad; and CoD Vice President Linda Sands-Vankerk
2019 Women Tech Founders Conference, Aneesa with Leslie McKinney, friend and fellow ceiling-breaker in the industry
A perfect blend of humility and fun, Melissa Kline Skavlem never lets her role as Chief Marketing Officer at Gardner Business Media go to her head. Working alongside Missy at PMPA and Gardner is the most fun Aneesa's ever had in a professional environment!
Robert Joseph, PhD, one of the amazing people Aneesa is lucky to call her friend and mentor.
Elene Cafasso, dear friend and confidante who always tells it like it is!
AJ Jorgensen, Vice President, Strategic Engagement at The Manufacturing Institute. An ardent advocate of diversity and women, AJ supports Aneesa by 1) being her friend, and 2) challenging Aneesa to speak around the country.
Anisa Ali, Aneesa's daughter by action and by choice, if not by blood. Loved always.
Aneesa’s grandchildren, Ibrahim and Noor, provide extra support before a speech and extra strength in all other things
Aneesa’s mother, rock, and rockstar, Suad Muthana
She who can laugh at herself, laughs best!